We will meet at the WCA office and leave no later than 5:30 AM to caravan over OR meet at the Visitor Parking at the Natural Resources Building: 1139 Washington St SE, Olympia, WA 98501. We can meet everyone in that parking lot and walk over to our first meeting together at 8:15.
We are going to split into two groups so that we can meet with the largest number of legislators possible. Meetings will be from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, and both groups will be together for the first meeting and for the 11:30 meeting right before lunch. We will eat lunch at 12:15 at the Natural Resources Building (room 175 A&B) with the director of Fish & Wildlife as well as WSDA and DNR staff.
Parking can be tricky and most of the on-street parking in the area has a one hour limit. Our recommendation is to use Visitor Parking at the Natural Resources Building: 1139 Washington St SE, Olympia, WA 98501. We can meet everyone in that parking lot and walk over to our first meeting together at 8:15.
If you have any questions or want to RSVP, please contact WCA EVP, Chelsea Hajny at
The more members we have attend the better!!! We need them to hear what issues WCA supports and doesn’t, which is critical to our membership & our agricultural & cattle industry!