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FSA Authorizes Cost Share for Snow Removal Under the Emergency Conservation Program

The Farm Service Agency (FSA) has authorized cost share assistance to producers for clearing show from feed stocks, water supplies, and feeding areas under the Emergency Conservation Program (ECP). Clearing snow to feed and water livestock is normally covered under ELAP. However, ELAP eligibility restricts program availability to producers who experience damage to their feed because of the storm, or the transport of additional feed because of the storm, but not clearing snow to access feed and water for livestock.

Snow removal is necessary for livestock producers to maintain herd health and productivity rates. Clearing snow to enable access to feed and water minimizes the potential for animal mortality and related contamination of surface and ground waters from burial pits, or air pollution from burning of carcasses. Cost share assistance for snow removal contributes to the producer’s financial resiliency and helps to maintain a strong food supply chain

Requirements for Snow Removal

At least one of the following conditions must be met in order for a county to qualify for snow removal assistance:

  • The county was included in a Presidential Disaster Declaration because of a winter storm or snowstorm. Presidential Disaster Declarations can be found at

  • A county is contiguous to a county declared in a Presidential Disaster Declarations and the county is authorized to offer FSA emergency loans.

  • A county (or portion of a county) experienced a 40 percent increase in normal snowfall.

Eligible areas for snow removal include clearing roads to access feed stocks, clearing areas used to feed and water livestock, and travel corridors to feed stocks. Cost share for multiple snow removals during the disaster period is permitted. Clearing of public roads, clearing snow around the homestead, and clearing corridors to bales left scatted in the field is not eligible for ECP snow removal assistance.

For more information about the Emergency Conservation Program (ECP) and receiving cost share for snow removal, visit the ECP webpage or contact your local USDA Service Center.



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